How to Make Friends in Madison, WI

Making friends can be a difficult and uncertain experience. It requires a lot of vulnerability, patience, and openness to new situations. If you want to get out of your bubble or long for deeper connections in Madison, Mesh is a great way to break the ice and connect with people your age who are looking for the same thing—to meet new people!

The Social Landscape of Madison

Madison is one of the top cities in the nation, so naturally, it offers a range of things to do. As the state capital and home to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, there are so many different types of people to meet! Madison is home to a vibrant restaurant scene that is complimented by its coffee shops. Some of our favorites are Leopold’s, Rotunda, and Lakeside Street. There are so many other great options if those aren’t your cup of Joe. 

Madison is home to gems like the Concert on the Square, farmers markets all over the city, especially the Dane County Farmers Market on the Square, and top companies like EPIC, Exact Science, and American Family. It’s a top walkable city in the US, and the people are genuinely friendly : )

Making Friends Offline in Madison

If you're looking to make friends offline in Madison, there are so many ways. Volunteering with local charities or organizations is one of our favorites! Joining a sports team at Keva or the Sun Prairie Athletic Club or attending community classes, workshops, and events are all great options. Madison's numerous bars and breweries also offer a friendly social atmosphere, with many hosting trivia nights and live music events. One of our favorites is IO Arcade Bar.



New Ways to Meeting New People in Madison

Whether you're new to the city or have lived in Madison your entire life there is a new way that you can meet your next bestie. Mesh is a great option for forging genuine friendships based on compatibility. Mesh pairs you in groups of four based on a short questionnaire. They send an invite once a week and then if you say yes you get to meet great people at local coffee shops. 

Making Friends as a Student in Madison

As a student in Madison, it’s very important to make your mark and meet new people right away. Joining clubs and organizations on campus is a great way to connect with people who share your interests. UW has an office for connecting you with different volunteer opportunities as well! If you just want simple and low pressure connections you can sign up for weekly invites from Mesh!

Personal Growth Through Meaningful Conversations

The power of meaningful conversations cannot be understated. Many people crave deep, thought-provoking discussions that go beyond the surface. These types of connections and friendships are essential to humanity. 

These conversations can cover a wide range of topics, from philosophical discussions to introspective exploration of thoughts and feelings. They provide such an important foundation to how we live the best life possible. We need to be listened to and to also learn and listen to other people! People really are awesome if you give them a chance! At Mesh we are always a text away if you need a friendly encouragement to get out there or maybe some friendly advice on connection! 

It can be daunting to get out there and meet people, especially after college, which is why we started! Why get coffee by yourself when you can meet new people? Of course, we all need time to ourselves :)


Is it easy to make friends in Madison?

Yes! Making friends can be challenging anywhere, but Madison offers many social opportunities for those who are willing to put in the effort. Also we’re pretty passionate about the effect that Mesh is having on Madison. We get texts everyday about how grateful people are for Mesh! By getting out there, having fun, and smiling its amazing what kind of world we can build together!

What hobbies are popular in Madison?

Madison offers a range of hobbies and activities for people of all interests. From cycling and hiking to live music, lake activities there's something for everyone. Madison is also known for its love of craft beer, and there are many local breweries to explore.


Making friends in a new city or environment can be challenging, but it's essential to our happiness and well-being. Mesh offers a unique and innovative approach to making meaningful connections with like-minded individuals in Madison. By exploring Madison’s vibrant social scene and engaging in activities that inspire you, you'll be well on your way to finding the deeper connections that you crave.


Why Offline Relationships?